Monday, June 15, 2009


We just bought our very own website!!!

...And we're in the process that is DESIGN!

We'll be back very soon!


LonDon Gaga.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Pope Montag Gives Us A Prayer

It has now become ridic to the nth degree!!!!

In her latest tweet centerfold Pope Montag preaches to the masses:

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight"


We just came back from Sunday brunch at the Ivy with J. Christ and even he was laughing at the shit show!

And just when you thought it couldn't get worse...

The Pope's newly-baptized other half also graced us with his two sense:

Spencer tweets: "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the authorities, against the powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in heavenly realms. Therefore put on your full armor of God."

Amen Fathaaaaa, preach on!!!!!!!! Fathaaaa preach on!!!!!

-Follow us on Twitter @LonDonGaga!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pez Head Is Such A Liar!!

It's one thing to keep it real!!

It's something entirely different when you MAKE UP LIES!!!!!

As we reported yesterday, Aubrey "Get Laid" let Pez Head have it in a tweet confrontation!

Pez Head claimed that a source told her him that Aubrey was being a total bitch during the NOH8 shoot.

WELL, Us is reporting that Pez Head made the whole thing up!!!

Cofounders Adam Bouska and Jeff Parhsley had this to say about Pez' lies:

"It is unfortunate that while doing something for the greater good someone found pleasure in trying to tear it down. Aubrey believes in marriage equality which is exactly what this campaign is about. We had a great time shooting her and we can't wait to release the PSA next week. Aubrey O'Day and the NOH8 Campaign will continue to work together in the fight against hate and discrimination."

Pez!! Even we know a girls got to keep her shiz straight!!

It's time someone get new sources!

Mr. Gaston Keeps Crying!

HAHA! We just looooove Australian sap!

As we reported a few days ago, since the breakup with Milley Mr. Gaston has not been able to control himself!

We found this on Youtube and well...

We can smell the fermented cheese from a mile away!

Unlike your underwear ads, sap isn't hawt Mr. Gaston!!!!


Paula Just Had To Take It There

Oh... Paula!!!

Why do you always have to take it there!?!?!

...B/c if you're going to, so are we!!

In her latest tweet Paula says:

"I am truly touched by the thousands of blogs&tweets expressing your concern, love and support in re:to whether or not I'll be back for AI."

Awe! Sweet right!?

then... "
Keep your fingers crossed and know that I love and adore you all for loving me so much!"


Hunny, WE ALL don't love you so much! Think you're a crackhead entertainer????


Love watching you use words like "sequestration" and "admonition" incorrectly????


We think the girl needs a few PercOs to bring her back down to EARTH!?!

We could give you a prescript, Blabdul, but we think you probably have access to one.

Follow us on Twitter @LonDonGaga!

Mizz Gawgs Awz Japan!!

Mizz Gawgs is as contage as Bird Flu on a hot sticky crowded street in Beijing!

The gAWdess that is Mizz Gawgs tore down the house in Japan while on her Asian Tour!!!

What can't she do????

We still think she's going to be the first to perform on another planet.

...And we'll be the first in line to buy tickets and an astro suit!

Jennifer Wants A Manly Film

Jennifer Waniston thinks there's a karmic connection betwixt her movies and her life!!!

Last night at the Krystal and Lucy Awards, Waniston said this in her speech:

"I'm trying to be more careful than I have been in the past about the kind of movies I choose to be in. I kind of noticed something a few years ago that there seems to be a strange parallel between the movies I'm doing and my life offscreen. It started with The Good Girl, then of course Rumor Has It, followed by Derailed. Then there was The Break Up. If any of you have a project entitled Everlasting Love With an Adult Stable Male, I'm at table 6 and my agents are at table 12!"

Wow, that was actually funny Waniston!

...but we didn't see you in the film "Angelina Jolie Is Hawter Than Me!"

Zac Needs LonDon's Help!

It's such a shame when hawtness lacks style!!!

...or breathing room for the boys!!!

Zac "I Hate Musicals" Efron....


For the future, we think a size 32.

But if you're too awesome for your size, take our advice.

If the pants don't fit...


Love ya Z!

Usha Says We're Through

Looks like Usha wants to make love in da club with someone else!!!

Possibly us???????

People is reporting that earlier this morning Milk Chocolate filed for divorce from his hag wife Tameka Foster Raymond in an Atlanta Court.

...And Fosters, 8 yrs his senior, doesn't seem to have a problem with it.

Apparently the diamond digger has already moved on and is trying to slip into the wallet pants of comedian Eddie Murphy.

Insiders tell us Fosters was a googly-eyed stalker at the premier of Donkey's new movie Imagine That in Atlanta this past week.

...And even better, it doesn't seem like Milk Chocolate cares either!!

He has reportedly been in Las Vegas recording his new album and the two rarely see one another.

We loves it!!!!!!